The Council is JCRC Bay Area’s highest deliberative body. Consisting of both representatives of the organizations listed below and independent members from across the Bay Area, its primary purpose is to build consensus around issues of concern to the Bay Area Jewish community. Council members are provided professional development, leadership training, and opportunities to partner with JCRC professionals in the ongoing programmatic work of the organization, including by acting as ambassadors.
Current JCRC Member Organizations
American Jewish Committee
Anti-Defamation League
Beth Chaim Congregation
Beth Jacob Congregation – Oakland
B’nai Israel Jewish Center
Brandeis School of San Francisco
Cantorial and Rabbinical Association of Greater San Jose (CRAGSJ)
Chochmat HaLev
Coastside Jewish Community
Congregation Adath Israel
Congregation Am Tikvah
Congregation Beth Am
Congregation Beth David
Congregation Beth El
Congregation Beth Emek
Congregation Beth Israel
Congregation Beth Jacob – Redwood City
Congregation Beth Jacob – Oakland
Congregation Beth Sholom
Congregation B’nai Shalom
Congregation B’nai Tikvah
Congregation Chevra Thilim
Congregation Emanu-El
Congregation Emek Beracha
Congregation Emeth
Congregation Etz Chayim
Congregation Kol Emeth
Congregation Kol Shofar
Congregation Magain David Sephardim
Congregation Ner Tamid
Congregation Netivot Shalom
Congregation Rodef Sholom
Congregation Sha’ar Zahav
Congregation Shir Shalom
Congregation Shir Hadash
Congregation Sherith Israel
Congregation Shomrei Torah
Congregation Sinai
Hillel – San Francisco
Hillel – Berkeley
Hillel – Stanford
Jewish Community Center of the East Bay
Jewish Community Center of San Francisco
Jewish Community Federation
Jewish Community High School of the Bay
Jewish Education and Information Council of Rossmoor (JEICOR)
Jewish High Tech Community (JHTC)
Jewish Silicon Valley
Keddem Congregation
Kol Hadash Northern CA Community for Humanistic Judaism
National Council of Jewish Women
Northern California Board of Rabbis
Or Shalom
Osher Marin Jewish Community Center
Oshman Family Jewish Community Center
Peninsula Jewish Community Center
Peninsula Sinai Congregation
Peninsula Temple Beth El
Peninsula Temple Sholom
Shalom Bayit
South Peninsula Hebrew Day School (SPHDS)
Temple Beth Abraham
Temple Beth El
Temple Beth Hillel
Temple Beth Sholom
Temple Beth Torah
Temple Emanu-El
Temple Isaiah
Temple Israel
Temple Sinai