Thursday, April 3 | Sunday, April 6
Join us for one of our two incredible Freedom Seders as we build bridges, take action, and tackle key issues in our Bay Area community—from civil rights to combating hate. Through the Haggadah’s theme of Freedom, we foster dialogue, civic engagement, and connection, welcoming both old friends and new faces.
San Francisco Freedom Seder
Thursday, April 3, 2025 | 6:00 – 8:00 p.m.
Fort Mason Center, The Gateway Pavilion at Pier 2, San Francisco
Ample Parking Available
Price: $96/person
Silicon Valley Freedom Seder
Sunday, April 6, 2025 | 5:00 – 7:00 p.m.
Temple Emanu-El, 1010 University Ave, San Jose
Price: $36/person
Thank you to our Sponsors
San Francisco Freedom Seder
Blue Tier
Nancy Grand
Alison Pincus, Jan Reicher and Alain Bismuth
Purple Tier
Congregation Emanu-El
H. Michael Feldman and Christine Glastonbury
Jewish Community Federation and Endowment Fund
Joshua Reynolds and Sarah Rogers
Sarosi Kanter Family
Jim and Emily Scheinman
Pink Tier
Jordan and Tahlia Bliss
Jessica and Michael Eisler
Tania Lowenthal and Shelley Friedman
Andrea Silverstein, DNA Vineyards
Strause Family
Jennifer Wolfe and Nolan Zail
Green Tier
Lynn Bunim and Alexander Fetter
Debbie and Barry Cohn
Laurie Earp and Denis Chaix
Steve Grau / Royal Ambulance
Sophie Hahn and Eric Bjerkholt
David Kremer
Larry and Lori Lapides
Repair the World
Kimberly and Dan Sanner
David Saxe and Melissa Blaustein
William Schwartz
Susie and Rich Sorkin
Carol Weitz
YMCA of San Francisco
Mark Zitter and Jessica Nutik Zitter
Teal Tier
Congregation Beth Sholom
Congregation Ner Tamid
Congregation Sherith Israel
Contra Costa Jewish Democrats
IPF Atid Bay Area
J. The Jewish News of Northern California
JCC East Bay
Leslie Kane and Manuel Fishman
Levi Meir Photography
Peninsula Temple Beth El
San Francisco Hillel
San Francisco Interfaith Council
Arthur Slepian and Gerry Llamado
Temple Isaiah
The Brandeis School of San Francisco
Silicon Valley Freedom Seder
Purple Tier
Pink Tier
Congregation Beth David
Jim and Emily Scheinman
Adrienne and Neil Tuch
Green Tier
Congregation Shir Hadash
Hindu American Foundation
Jewish Silicon Valley
Wendy and Howard Kleckner
Karen and Mel Kronick
Arlene Noodleman, M.D.
Peninsula Sinai Congegation
Andrea Silverstein, DNA Vineyards
Repair the World
Teal Tier
Congregation Sinai
IPF Atid Bay Area
J. The Jewish News of Northern California
Levi Meir Photography
Oshman Family JCC
Peninsula Jewish Community Center (PJCC)
Temple Emanu-El
Westminster Presbyterian Church