Marriage Equality is on the Ballot Again in 2024

The protections and benefits afforded to same-sex couples are once again under serious threat. In today’s uncertain legal landscape, especially with the current makeup of the Supreme Court, there’s a real risk of rights regression. We’ve seen recent attacks on reproductive freedoms and threats to the LGBTQ+ community across the country.

One of our community’s core values is B’Tselem Elohim – the belief that all people are created in God’s image and each person’s life is of infinite value. This principle leads us to maintain that it is critical for equal opportunity to exist under the law for every individual, and that there be no unlawful discrimination in any aspect of life, regardless of a person’s race, creed, color, national origin, ancestry, religion, sex, age, disability, sexual orientation, gender identity or marital status.

Since 2000, JCRC Bay Area has opposed efforts to define marriage strictly as a union between a man and a woman, arguing such measures perpetuate discrimination. Key legal battles over same-sex marriage in California began with San Francisco’s 2004 issuance of same-sex marriage licenses, followed by court challenges that led to a 2005 Superior Court ruling favoring marriage equality. In 2008, we fought against Proposition 8, which added language to the California Constitution stating that “only marriage between a man and a woman is valid or recognized in California.” Throughout these many ups and downs, JCRC has been steadfast in its support of the freedom for same-sex couples to marry.

This year we are supporting Proposition 3, also known as the Freedom to Marry ballot measure, a crucial initiative to protect California’s values of freedom and equality. By voting “Yes on 3” this November, you will be affirming California’s commitment to civil rights and individual freedom.

Click here to read our consensus statement in support of same-sex civil marriage.

Campaign Launch and Vow Renewal Ceremony

On September 15, 2024, we officially launched our Jews for the Freedom to Marry campaign with an incredible vow renewal ceremony for same-sex couples  who were among the first to legally marry in 2004.

We were joined by Senator Scott Wiener, Assemblymember Rebecca Bauer-Kahan and Former Senator Mark Leno in addition to other elected and civic leaders to celebrate 20 years of legal same-sex marriage and proclaim our support for Prop 3.

Thank you to our co-sponsors A Wider Bridge, Keshet, Levi Meir Photography, Malka Productions and Congregation Sha’ar Zahav for making this event possible.

Check out event photos here.

Get Involved

There are plenty of ways to join our campaign and make an impact! Whether you’re posting on social media, signing up for text banking, or displaying a yard sign, every action helps spread the word.

    • Social Media  – Download and post this graphic or share existing content from our account
    • Text BankingSign up to volunteer for text banking
    • Yard Signs Place a yard sign in your window or on your property (must be able to pick up in San Francisco)
    • Share Your Story – The Yes on 3 Campaign has an easy to use form to share what marriage equality means to you. Participate here!


Paid for by Jewish Community Relations Council (JCRC) Bay Area.