building consensus
Executive Summary The Jewish American community has been grappling with alarming levels of antisemitism in recent years. This increase in…
Approved by the JCRC Assembly June 18, 2019 Introduction Fostering stronger democratic institutions and respect for democratic values has…
Following an education and research process, JCRC Consensus Policy Statements are crafted by the relevant JCRC committee and presented to…
Following a rigorous education and research process that may take months to a year, JCRC Consensus Policy Statements are crafted by the J…
Approved by the JCRC Assembly January 19, 2016 Preamble In his 1944 State of the Union address President Franklin Roosevelt outlined an E…
Approved by the Jewish Community Relations Council of San Francisco, the Peninsula, Marin, Sonoma, Alameda, and Contra Costa Counties, Ma…
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