
JCRC Bay Area released findings from our third survey of Bay Area Jewish identity on January 28, 2025 which provided valuable insights in…

The following open letter was shared on January 21, 2025, addressing the start of the Trump administration and outlining our approach to …

Recently, anti-Israel advocacy organizations have begun a new push in the Bay Area to distort impact investing (sometimes discussed as so…

Just over a year ago, Hamas terrorists unleashed an unprecedented assault on Israel, massacring nearly 1200 civilians and taking 254 host…

Marriage Equality is on the Ballot Again in 2024 The protections and benefits afforded to same-sex couples are once again under serious t…

On October 7, we will mark one year since the horrific attacks in Israel with a #DAYOFYELLOW. Amid the fear and shock of that terrible da…

We are providing resources and guidance for schools and businesses to address the needs of the Jewish community at this time. JCRC Statem…

This bold, new plan is built on the premise that the two flanks of JCRC’s mission statement – “building a just society and a secure Jewis…

In recent months, leadership at the Jewish Community Federation and Endowment Fund (the Federation) and Jewish Community Relations Counci…